Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 400 gr di Spaghetti Filotea
  • 5 ripe tomatoes
  • 3 tbsp of lemon slitces in oil
  • an handful of fennel seeds
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt
  • 2 handfuls of almonds
  • a bunch of wild fennels
  • 50 gr of semi-hard caprino cheese
Taste i spaghettoni


Cut the tomatoes in small pieces and combine them with the lemons in large bowl. Sprinkle with salt, fennel seeds and add a couple of tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil.

Toast the almonds and mince them in a blender with wild fennel, caprino cheese and a pinch of salt, until you made a pesto. Mix the pesto with tomatoes and lemons, then let stand for some minutes to blend the flavors.

Cook the Spaghetti Filotea in plenty of salted boiling water, drain the pasta, toss it in the large bowl with the pesto, serve and enjoy!

It is good hot or warm.

Discover here how to prepare lemon slices in olive oil

Ringraziamo Serena Grossi  foodblogger di L’omin di panpepato autrice della ricetta e della foto realizzata con la nostra pasta di semola.