Ingredients for 4 people:

  • 300 gr of Spaghetti Filotea
  • 3 medium carrots
  • 2 dried tomatoes
  • a medium tomato
  • 10 almonds
  • 2 tbsp of grated Parmesan
  • half a clove of garlic
  • fresh oregano
  • 2 tbsp of extra-heavy or double cream (38–40% or more)
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • salt to taste
Taste the spaghettoni


Washes and peels carrots, then cut them into small pieces. Put them in a blender or food processor, add the dried tomatoes and starts to chop. When will enough chopped, add the tomatoes into small pieces, almonds, garlic and fresh oregano.

Add the grated parmesan, the double cream to make it creamy, then salt to taste. If you don’t like to use the double cream, you can replace it with a bit ‘of the cooking water of the pasta.

Cook the spaghetti in plenty of boiling salted water, drain the pasta and season then with the cream of carrot.

Serve adding a few flakes of almond to taste and enjoy!

Buon appetito!

Ringraziamo Katia Biunda, foodblogger barese di Cucinare insieme a te, autrice della ricetta e della foto realizzate con la nostra pasta all’uovo.