Ingredients for 4 people:
- 300 g of Spaghetti Filotea
- a can of tuna
- dried chilli pepper
- 10 salted capers
- a small onion
- salt
- extra virgin olive oil
- ½ cup water
Cut the onion into slices, then put it in a pan over low heat with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and half a glass of water. When the onion is soft and almost transparent, add the red chilli pepper and capers, cook for some minutes and finally add the tuna well drained.
Half cook the Spaghetti Filotea in plenty of salted boiling water, drain the pasta and finish the cooking in the pan with the sauce already prepared.
Keep the cooking water and use it to finish cooking spaghetti, adding a bit ‘at a time, until desired doneness.
Serve adding a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil to taste and enjoy!
Buon appetito!
Ringraziamo Katia Biunda, foodblogger barese di Cucinare insieme a te, autrice della ricetta e della foto realizzate con la nostra pasta all’uovo.