A walk on the mounts of Marche region: the beginning of a story
The walk on the mounts of Marche region had been [...]
The walk on the mounts of Marche region had been [...]
Ingredienti per 4 persone: 250 gr. di tagliatelle all’uovo Filotea, 400 gr. di macinato d’oca, 100 gr. di salsiccia d’oca ( 70% carne d’oca – 30 % carne di maiale ), 1 carota, 1 costa di sedano, 1 scalogno, 1 spicchio d’aglio, 1 foglia di alloro, 500 ml di brodo vegetale, ¼ di melagrana, 100 ml di vino bianco, sale fino, pepe bianco, olio extra vergine di oliva al basilico.
Ingredients for 4 people: 250 gr. of Filotea egg tagliatelle; 370 gr. of veal stew; ½ tablespoon of finely chopped cucunci; 2 red peppers; 1 shallot; 1 tablespoon desalinated capers; 1 Cavasso Nuovo red onion; 1 carrot; 1 bay leaf; 300 ml. dry white wine; 500 ml. of vegetable stock; a pinch of brown sugar; 100 ml. of apple cider vinegar; salt to taste; sweet chilli to taste; extra birgin olive oil.
Ingredients for 4 people: 250 g of Tagliatelle Le Matassine Filotea; 200 g of Smoked Salmon; 1 small glass of vodka; 1 shallot; half a glass of milk; 1 tbsp of flour; extra virgin olive oil.; a sprig of fresh chives
Ingredients for 4 people: 250 g of tagliatelle Le Matassine Filotea; 125 g of mascarpone; 2 teaspoons of spicy smoked paprika; 3 tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese; 1 shallot; 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
Ingredients for 6 people: 250 g di Tagliatelle Filotea; 250 g of Béchamel sauce; 200 g of fresh mozzarella ; 350 g of ground beef; 2 eggs; extra virgin olive oil; farina qb; breadcrumbs; grated Parmesan cheese; peanut oil for frying
Ingredients for 4 persons: 250 g of Tagliatelle Le Matassine Filotea ;100 g of pine nuts ; 1 clove of garlic to taste ; a few sprigs of fresh marjoram or ½ teaspoon dried marjoram ;2 tbsp of extra virgin olive oil ; salt ; pepper ;milk ; grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese
Ingredients for 4 persons: 250 gr. of Tagliatelle Filotea; 4 italian sausages; 4 artichokes; 1 clove of garlic; salt; parsley; chilli pepper; extra virgin olive oil
Ingredients for 4 persons: 250 gr of Tagliatelle Filotea; 4 slices of boned rabbit ;1 clove of garlic; a sprig of parsley; 2 tbsp of grated; 4 slices of bacon coppata; 4 pieces of pecorino cheese (if desired) ;700 gr of tomato puree; a glass of white wine 1\2 onion; 2 basil leaves (or a dusting of powdered dried basil); salt; extra virgin olive oil
Ingredients for 4 persons: 250 gr. of Tagliatelle Filotea ;2 medium-sizedo ctopus already cooked (about 430 gr.) ;4 fresh red tomatoes ;2 tablespoons of capers ;2 tablespoons of olives ;100 ml. of dry white wine ;1 clove of red garlic; ½ red chilli pepper ;salt q.s. ;extra virgin olive oil