The spirit of Filotea

So, what does it mean to believe in Filotea? A jump in the next past is necessary. When Francesco and I created Filotea, our goal was to make the best pasta in the world and sell it all over the globe. The idea of ​​bringing on the tables of German, American, even Australian, an authentic product, genuine, healthy and good as that just made by her grandmother, we were thrilled.

2018-01-24T12:14:05+01:0021 November, 2014|Events and News|

Can you believe in Filotea?

The experience lived in Filotea unites us to many other fellow entrepreneurs: daily events, small and big joys, problems that nobody ever talks about. Certainly they do not do television and newspapers, mass media that tell virtual stories, very distant from the concrete reality of the day after day. This is why we will tell you about our adventure as entrepreneurs, because we think it's worth doing.

2018-01-24T12:33:48+01:007 November, 2014|Events and News|