A leftovers dish, doses are approximate.

Ingredients for 4 persons:

Taste gli spaghetti alla chitarra


If no dried tomato paté is handy, you can prepare it at home. Drain dried tomatoes in oil, put them in a blender and blitz, adding extra virgin olive oil until you obtain a coarse but fluid cream.

If you don’t have any leftover stewed turnip greens, sauté a clove of garlic and a little chili in a pan with some olive oil, add the turnip greens, salt, cover and cook over a low heat, stirring often until the greens are well cooked.

Put the dried tomato patè in a skillet and dilute it with a little pasta water.
Meanwhile, cook the spaghetti in plenty of boiling salted water for 3 minutes. Drain and pour into the skillet containing the paté, mix well and only then add the stewed turnip greens.

Toss all the ingredients together for a minute trying not to break up the stewed greens, serve immediately and enjoy!

Buon appetito!

Ringraziamo Alessandra BarboneFoodblogger pugliese di isognatoridicucinaenuvole, autrice di questa ricetta di riciclo e della foto realizzate con la nostra pasta all’uovo.